“Handbook of Confucianism in Modern Japan”

水野博太HMC特任助教の共著“Handbook of Confucianism in Modern Japan”(Shaun O'Dwyer編)がMHM Limitedより出版されました。
水野特任助教は第4章'The Invention of “Chinese Philosophy”― How Did the Classics Take Root in Japan’s First Modern University?'を執筆しています。
編者は九州大学のShaun O’Dwyer先生で、先生ご自身の論文の他、各国の若手研究者による最先端の研究が凝縮された論文が13本含まれています。やや高額な本ではありますが、近代日本の儒教研究にご関心があり、また図書館などに蔵書があれば、手にとってご覧頂ければと思います。
In mainstream assessments of Confucianism’s modern genealogy there is a Sinocentric bias which is in part the result of a general neglect of modern Japanese Confucianism by political and moral philosophers and intellectual historians during the post-war era. This collection of essays joins a small group of other studies bringing modern Japanese Confucianism to international scholarly notice, largely covering the time period between the Bakumatsu era of the mid-19th century and the 21st century.
The essays in this volume can be read for the insight they provide into the intellectual and ideological proclivities of reformers, educators and philosophers explicitly reconstructing Confucian thought, or more tacitly influenced by it, during critical phases in Japan’s modernization, imperialist expansionism and post-1945 reconstitution as a liberal democratic polity. They can be read as introductions to the ideas of modern Japanese Confucian thinkers and reformers whose work is little known outside Japan—and sometimes barely remembered inside Japan. They can also be read as a needful corrective to the above-mentioned Sinocentric bias in the 20th century intellectual history of Confucianism. For those Confucian scholars currently exploring how Confucianism is, or can be made compatible with democracy, at least some of the studies in this volume serve as a warning. They enjoin readers to consider how Confucianism was also rendered compatible with the authoritarian ultranationalism and militarism that captured Japan’s political system in the 1930s, and brought war to the Asia-Pacific region.
February 2022
300 p. Hardback
ISBN: 978-4-909286-08-6
¥28,875 (tax included)