
How to Study Electoral Irregularities: New Advances in Theory and Measurement

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16th Yakamawa Kenjiro Lecture Series

  • 題目:How to Study Electoral Irregularities: New Advances in Theory and Measurement
  • 講演者:Isabela Mares教授 (Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science, Yale University)
  • 日時: 2020年3月9日(月)16:00-18:00
  • 場所:東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階コラボレーションルーム3
  • 使用言語:英語

In many European countries, elections during the period following the adoption of universal suffrage displayed remarkably high levels of vote-buying, intimidation, and fraud. As voters' electoral autonomy was insufficiently protected, electoral rights were only hollow promises, In this talk, I examine the democratization of electoral practices in several European countries during the 19th century. I study the introduction of multiple electoral reforms which include legislation that sought to limit vote-buying, lower the ability of candidates to politicize state resources, improve voting technology and protect voter autonomy as well as reforms that limited fraud. Taking advantage of newly digitized historical data, I examine the conditions under which electoral majorities supporting such reforms came about and the relative importance of economic and political changes for the formation of these coalitions favoring electoral change. I conclude by discussing the implications of these successful episodes of democratization of electoral practices for recent democracies today.

  • This talk is based on Chapter 2 of her recent book (with Lauren Young) Conditionality and Coercion
  • Supported by: FUTI (Friends of UTokyo Inc.), MacMillan Center, Yale University, HMC (The University of Tokyo, Humanities Center)
  • Organized by: UTCP
