Open Seminar

Vol. 32.

The Appeal of Conducting Research in Large Collections of Historical Documents: Discoveries Among the Documents of Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine

  • Date: 19th February 2021, 17:30-19:30
  • Venue: Online (Via Zoom)
  • Speakers:
    • Hiraku Kaneko (Associate Professor, Historiographical Institute): Matsunaga Hisahide's Wives and Retainers
    • Tamaki Endo (Associate Professor, Historiographical Institute): The 1570 Siege of Shiga as Seen From the Irigata Sanyojo(income statement) Documents Covering the Genki Rebellion
  • Discussant:
    Toshiko Takahashi (Professor, Historiographical Institute)
  • Host:
    The University of Tokyo Humanities Center, The University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute

Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine (commonly known as Kamigamo Shrine) has a collection of around 14,000 historical documents mainly spanning the period from medieval times to the early modern era that have been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. As many as 2,800 (20%) of these documents are sanyojo (documents concerning the settlement of accounts). At an Open Research Seminar in October 2019, we discussed with Associate Professor Yumiko Sankoji of Wakayama University's Faculty of Economics what insights from the perspectives of both history and accounting could be derived from the sanyojo as research material.

At this seminar, joint research partners Hiraku Kaneko and Tamaki Endo of the Historiographical Institute will speak about the material provided by sanyojo in the Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine's collection. We will also welcome Toshiko Takahashi of the Historiographical Institute, who has for many years been involved in compiling the archives of Toji Temple, which have been designated a National Treasure of Japan and inscribed on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. In recent years, she has also led research into the Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine documents and the compilation of a database of images thereof. While providing insights from her experience of conducting research into such large collections of historical documents, Professor Takahashi will discuss the appeal of research focused on the Kamowakeikazuchi Shrine documents.