The Psychology of Face Perception

- Date: 1st August 2022, 17:30 - 19:30
- Venue:Online (Via Zoom)
- Speaker: Changhong Liu(Bournemouth University, Professor in Psychology)
- Moderator: Atsunobu Suzuki
- Lanuage: Japanese
The human face plays an essential role in our social life. We rely on the face to identify others, recognising friends and colleagues, expressing our emotions and understanding others, judging people's age, gender, and attractiveness. My talk will introduce advances in the science of face perception. I will show some well-known phenomena about face perception such as the inversion and photographic negative effects, the Thatcher illusion, and the face adaptation aftereffects. I will focus on the knowledge developed in the past half century in psychology and computer vision, summarising our current understanding of identity and facial expression recognition. I will also touch on research on facial attractiveness, judgement of traits and personality, individual differences, normal and abnormal development of face perception and forensic applications.