Vol. 114
"Philosophy and theory from the standpoint of their manuscripts and archives: the AITIA project, a transcultural perspective"(「哲学と理論を草稿・アーカイヴという視点から見たとき──AITIAプロジェクト、文化の越境を見すえて」)

- Date & Time : Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024, 6:00 - 8:00 pm (JST, UTC+9)
- Venue : Online (via Zoom Meeting)
- Registration :https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkce-pqj8iEtDO7bjFaB0J3hkjO0dbaieL
- Speaker :Benedetta Zaccarello(CNRS)
- Commentator:Kiyoko Myojo (Seijo University)
- Moderator:Masanori Tsukamoto (University of Tokyo)
- Language : English
- Host : The University of Tokyo Humanities Center