Murakami Naojirō and Iwao Seiichi: Revisiting the role of modern historiography and European sources in Japanese history (村上直次郎と岩生成一─近代歴史学と欧文史料による日本史─)

- 日時:2019年7月12日(金)17:00 - 19:00
- 場所:東京大学 伊藤国際学術研究センター3階 中教室
- 報告者:Birgit Tremml-Werner(史料編纂所・外国人研究員)
- コーディネーター&ディスカッサント:松方冬子(史料編纂所・准教授)
It is a commonplace that academic history in Japan developed under the influence of Western history writing from the 1880s onwards. The reverse effects of historiographical encounters, however, have hardly been addressed. The study of Japan's official early modern encounters with the outside world and its simultaneous engagement in Southeast Asia are one example how scholarship became entangled with implicit comparisons. This lecture discusses both the empirical and methodological impact of Western sources on the extensive scholarship of the Japanese historians Murakami Naojirō (1868-1966) and Iwao Seiichi (1900-1988) and vice versa. Empirically, it looks at how Murakami and Iwao applied important tropes from the history of European maritime expansion such as merchant capitalism, individual agency and sovereign foreign relations. It moreover revisits how Leopold von Ranke's framing of early modern foreign relations featured in Murakami's location, interpretation, and institutionalisation of documents produced by and for an early modern state. In so doing, the lecture discusses how histories have been co-produced both across continents and periods and to what extent this happened as a strategy to synchronize Tokugawa Japan with Western Europe.