The Open Multilingual Wordnet

- Date & Time: Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 5:30 - 7:30pm (JST, UTC+9)
- Venue: Online (via Zoom Meeting)
- Speaker:Francis Bond (Palacký University, Extraordinary Professor)
- Commentator: Tsuneaki Kato (The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Professor)
- Language: English (Francis Bond), Japanese (Tsuneaki Kato)
- Host: The University of Tokyo Humanities Center
- 日時:2022年5月24日(火)17:30 - 19:30
- 場所:Zoomオンライン開催
- 報告者:フランシス・ボンド(パラツキー大学 特命教授)
- コメンテーター:加藤 恒昭(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科 教授)
- 言語:英語(報告部分)、日本語(コメント部分)
- 主催:東京大学ヒューマニティーズセンター
Registration: Please register below(要事前登録)
In this talk I introduce the Open Multilingual Wordnet, a large lexical network of words grouped into concepts and linked by typed semantic relations. The talk will cover how the resource has evolved over time (increases in both size and complexity) and introduce some of the latest extensions. Finally, I will discuss its use in sentiment analysis.