The Psychology of Face Perception

- 日時:2022年8月1日(月)17:30 - 19:30
- 場所:Zoomオンライン開催
- 報告者:Changhong Liu(Bournemouth University, Professor in Psychology)
- 企画者:鈴木 敦命(東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 准教授)
- 使用言語:日本語
- 主催:東京大学ヒューマニティーズセンター
- 申込:https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArfuyrrDMjHdWae5qlQzNir85i5eGcA6MT
英国ボーンマス大学の Changhong Liu 教授に、個人認識、感情の推測、印象の形成など、顔知覚の心理学について幅広くお話いただきます。講演・質疑応答ともに日本語で行われます(質疑応答は英語も受け付けます)。
The human face plays an essential role in our social life. We rely on the face to identify others, recognising friends and colleagues, expressing our emotions and understanding others, judging people's age, gender, and attractiveness. My talk will introduce advances in the science of face perception. I will show some well-known phenomena about face perception such as the inversion and photographic negative effects, the Thatcher illusion, and the face adaptation aftereffects. I will focus on the knowledge developed in the past half century in psychology and computer vision, summarising our current understanding of identity and facial expression recognition. I will also touch on research on facial attractiveness, judgement of traits and personality, individual differences, normal and abnormal development of face perception and forensic applications.